Watch BB18!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


The BB18 season is now over, but we are lucky to have a Fall Edition (Big Brother: Over the Top) to begin in just 1 week from today! It won't be on TV, only online through CBS All Access (live feeds). I saw over on Twitter that we will have access to all the comps, live evictions, and even Diary Room sessions! How cool is that?!! :D I'm sooooo excited!! So if you haven't yet, go grab up the live feeds and be ready for next Wednesday! (Stay tuned to this blog for more details this week.)

I want to thank each and every single one of you (yes YOU!!!) for your support this season! I know a lot of y'all checked out of the season early on and I don't blame you. Some of you stuck around and made it worth it for me to continue to blog the most uninteresting BB seasons of all time. lol So thanks for that. :)

To every person who bought the live feeds through me and/or donated, it is ONLY because of your support that I was able to be here all summer long blogging as much I could. This site is and always has been 100% fan-supported and I am so humble with all your support over the past 10 seasons. From the bottom of my humble heart...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Miss Bella and I can't wait to see you guys & gals next Wednesday for BB: Over the Top!!! :D
Jamie & Miss Bella

BB18 Finale Party

Good evening, ladies & gents!! It's here! It's here!! It's day 25,831 of this season but the finale is finally here!! :D

Tonight, we will watching Paul VS Nicole in the Part 3 Final HOH Comp, where the winner will advance to Final 2 and get to pick which HG to bring with them.

If Paul wins, expect him to bring Nicole. If Nicole wins, who knows..though Paul told her last night that if she bails on their Final 2, she loses his vote. Period. Nicole has been promising Paul all week that they're gonna be Final 2, until she brought up concerns last night. Paul told her that if he cuts her at Final 2, then she's not a respectable player and that she should've just told him all week long that she wasn't gonna take him instead of flipping the script last minute.

Nicole is really in a pickle here because if..
*She wins and doesn't take Paul, she loses his vote.
*She wins and does take Paul, he most likely wins BB18.
*She loses Part 3, Paul could cut her (for being so flip-floppy) and take James, ensuring his win of BB18.

So tonight is gonna be really interesting to see how things unfold. In my opinion, Paul has an advantage to both winning Part 3 (which is questions that the jury members answer and they have to guess what the HG said & Paul's social game was on-point and got to know everybody, unlike Nicole who was in bed with Corey for 99% of the season) and also for winning BB18 versus either N or J. The only way I see Paul getting "boned" tonight, if he loses Part 3 and Nicole takes James instead.

Okay, so tonight's Live Finale starts at 9:30pm ET and it's 1 1/2 hrs long. So meet me back here then, as I'll be live blogging tonight's BB18 Finale. Don't forget your snackies & beverage(s) of choice! :D

9:30pm ET:
Show begins...

10:00pm ET:
Vote on CBS All Accesss: either Jason or Jozea will be on BB:OTT!

10:11pm ET:
Time for the Part 3 HOH Comp!

Winner of the Final HOH is:

10:20pm ET:
Paul decided which HG to take with him to Final 2, which means that...

Evicted from the BB18 House is:

We have Paul VS Nicole for Final 2!

10:31pm ET:
Time for the jury to ask Paul and Nicole questions.

10:51pm ET:Time to reveal the winner of BB18 and America's Favorite Player!

The Votes:
*James voted for PAUL (*wow)
*Corey voted for NICOLE
*Victor voted for PAUL
*Natalie voted for NICOLE
*Michelle voted for PAUL
*Paulie voted for NICOLE
*Bridgette voted for PAUL
*Zakiyah voted for NICOLE
*Da'vonne vote for NICOLE

Winner of BB18 is:

Time for America's Favorite is:
**Stay tuned for a new post!

*Get the Feeds for the Fall Season of Big Brother Here!!*

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Day Before BB18 Finale

It's finale-eve and this season is about to come to an end. We laughed..we cried..we wanted to throw our computers out the damn window a lot. lol This season had some awesome moments (eg: Paul as a Secret Secret agent), and not so good moments (watching the whole Paulie/Z "type thing"). I, for one, am glad to see it come to an end. I've had enough of this season. lol

Tomorrow (Weds) is the BB18 finale and then we'll all have just a mere 1 week off before this Fall's edition of Big Brother "Over the Top" begins on the live feeds! I'm super excited and cannot wait for all that!! Stay tuned to this blog for all the details on BBOTT. You'll need the live feeds in order to watch the 10-week season this Fall, as it will not be shown on TV. Don't worry, BB19 will still be on TV next summer.

Okay, so it looks like we're still gonna have a Paul VS Nicole Final 2 now matter how ya slice it, as they both agreed to take each other. James is now in the know, as he overheard a conversation of theirs. He knows he messed up by getting rid of Corey instead of Nicole and he's chalking it up to a "f*ck up". In a Paul VS Nicole scenario, I do believe that Paul will win, but we'll have to wait and see what happens tomorrow night.

EDIT: literally as I was posting this, Nicole was talking to herself on the feeds about how she's torn between taking Paul or James if she wins the 3rd round tomorrow night. She said to herself that she knows she'd lose to Paul but her heart wants to take him, as her mind wants to take James because she'd win against James. Oh boy.

EDIT 2: Yep, it looks like she's taking James if she wins Part 3 Final HOH. Paul better win Part 3 or he's toast.

Tomorrow is the BB18 Finale. That's it! Done. Finished. Game ovahhhh. ;)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday: Feeds Update

Gooood morning & Happy Monday, y'all!! :D We are just days away from the BB18 Finale on Wednesday night and the Final 3 have been relaxing for the most part all weekend. We're at that point in the game where there's nothing for the houseguests to do but sit and wait for finale night. The last week of every BB season always seems the longest because there's nothing going on.

In case you haven't been to the blog in a week, Paul won the 1st round of the Final HOH Comp and then Nicole won Part 2. This means that Part 3 will be Paul VS Nicole, which will take place on Finale Night this Wednesday.

Both Nicole and Paul have been practicing their Final 2 speeches all weekend. If you wanna watch Paul's, use the flashback feature on the live feeds and go back to Sunday Sept 18th at 8:22pm BBT on Cams 1 & 2.

Last night, Nicole told James that she hasn't made a decision on who to take yet, if she wins part 3. He said to let him know when she does so he can be prepared either way. She asked him for reasons why she should take him, because she was for sure gonna take him to F2 but now is questioning it. She mentions how James has "no blood on his hands" from his gameplay this season. By the way, you can thank Paul for Nicole's second guessing of James, as he's been in her ear for days about why she should take him over James. Seems to have worked.

Nicole then went over votes and thinks that it'd be better to take Paul over James. She said she'll lose to a "bitter jury" if she takes James VS if she takes Paul. So at this point, it looks like no matter how ya slice it, we'll see a Paul VS Nicole Final 2.

Who do you think would win in a Paul/Nicole final 2 scenario? Leave a comment below!

Also, don't forget that the BB: Over The Top (Fall Edition of Big Brother) starts in just over 1 week from today! The season will be 10 weeks long, not shown on TV (online only), and you can watch all of it on the live feeds for just $6 bucks/month! Super duper cheap entertainment and it'll definitely be interesting to see how the game unfolds in an online-only version of the game. Personally, I can't wait to watch it and blog it all season long! :D

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Winner of Part 2 HOH

Happy Saturday, y'all!! I hope everyone was able to snag up their free month of live feeds the past couples days because that deal is now ovahhhh! So kudos to those that were able to grab it up before it went bye bye. Now we're all set for the BB: Over The Top season, starting just 1 week after the BB18 finale! :D Soooo excited!! They still have a 1 week trial waiting for you though, if you didn't get to the free month deal first. (click the pic at the bottom of this post)

Moving on...

Yesterday, all of us BB fans waited and waited for the Part 2 Final HOH Comp to start and finally at 10:55pm BBT, it did. When the feeds came back at 1:49am BBT, we found out who won.

Winner of Part 2 Final HOH is:

Nicole beat James' time by 18 mins. (James said he was gonna throw this comp and "max out" the comp time so he would lose and throw it to Nicole.) I'm not 100% sure who Nicole would take at this point if she won Part 3, to be honest though. She seems frustrated at James throwing every comp, but is still promising them that they're Final 2 together. So who knows.

Nicole winning Part 2 means that she will now face-off with Paul (winner of Part 1) in Part 3 Final HOH on finale night (Weds). The winner of Part 3 is the Final HOH and will get to pick which HG to take with them to finale night.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thurs: Part 1 HOH Winner + Feeds Update

Good morning & Happy Thursday to y'all! So as we know, the Part 1 HOH Comp was not shown on the feeds. This makes no sense to me, as the feeds came back on afterwards and we found out the winner right away. With CBS doing a "no feeds blackout" season this Fall (starting in 2 weeks), this baffles me. lol I was never warned (nor were other BB updaters) that the comp wasn't going to be shown on the feeds. Huge disappointment as a fan. The feeds came back on at 10:40pm BBT last night (1:40am ET) after the comp was over.

Anyway, so without further ado...

Winner of Part 1 Final HOH is:

Nicole thinks that James threw the comp, while Paul doesn't think so. Nicole said that she lost respect for James for throwing it and will take Paul to Final 2. (*Hmmm.) Now James/Nicole will have to battle it out in Part 2 Final HOH and the winner will face Paul in the final Part 3 HOH round to determine the Final HOH for the BB18 season.

Nicole was eliminated from the comp first and then (according to Nicole), James apparently threw the comp to Paul. However, Paul thinks James was trying to win it. Nicole speculates that James threw it because he thinks that either of them (P/N) will take him to Final 2.

Around 11:30pm BBT, Paul started to help Nicole study for Part 2 in order to beat James. When Paul was in the DR at 12:35am BBT, Nicole/James talked.

James asked if he should throw Part 2 to her, she said yes and that she'll "1,000%" take him Final 2. So James is planning on throwing that one, too. Nicole asked him how he fell because he was "so sturdy" (basically she's fishing to see if he threw it or not). He said he doesn't know.

At 12:55am BBT, James cam-talked and said he's "in a good spot" (to get to Final 2). 

Part 2 Final HOH (according to Paul) will happen tomorrow, Friday.

REMINDER: The 1 Month Free Live Feeds ends tomorrow! You'll be able to see the rest of BB18 on the feeds + the new season of Big Brother starting in 2 weeks. If you didn't snag up the deal yet, here's your warning shot to get the deal before it expires! Like I said yesterday, I've never seen them offer a deal like this, so definitely take advantage of it while ya can!! Click the pic below & enter Coupon Code: FALLACCESS (I believe it's on the 2nd page of the sign-up process).

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Part 1 Final HOH Comp

Good evening, ladies & gents!! So Corey got evicted as planned and now we get to watch the Final 3 of Nicole/James/Paul battle it out in Part 1 of the Final HOH comps, which is always endurance. The live feeds switched off at 8:22pm BBT, so as soon as they come back on, I'll post some live coverage of the endurance comp.

UPDATED @ 9:42pm BBT:
Oooook, seems like we're not getting the live endurance comp this year for some reason. (I think only during BB9 did this happen). :(

I'll be back in the morning with an update. I gotta head to bed unfortunatley if the comp isn't gonna be on the feeds. Aghhh!!! So disappointed.

Weds: Feeds Update

Good morning and Happy Live Eviction Show Day!! Tonight's live eviction episode starts at 8pm ET on CBS, so make sure to tune in for that. We'll also get to see Part 1 of the Final HOH Comp (Endurance) begin on the live feeds.

Last night when the live feeds came back on, we found out that HOH Paul also won the Veto. Nicole/Corey are on the block.

Paul told James that he won't use the veto (thus saving James from going up on the block), if he will vote out the HG he wants to go. James agreed. Paul decided that he wants Corey out. Paul wants Corey out instead of Nicole (this will be his downfall in the game, if he doesn't win Final HOH by himself) because he thinks he can beat Nicole in the Final HOH comps, but not Corey.

Nicole told Corey she's taking James to F2 (but we already knew that all season long). Corey thinks that's smart of her to do. Nicole said that Paul played too good of a game to go to F2 with her. I agree.

The Final 3 will be: Paul/James/Nicole

In other news, Paul told Nicole that he wants to be F2 with her. She agreed (lied) and he said if she's lying, he's cutting her hair bun off and selling it on eBay. (*lol!)

So that's it! Corey is getting evicted and he's fully aware of it (Paul told him last night). So we have the Final HOH Comps to look forward to, starting with Part 1 starting tonight (Endurance Comp on the feeds).

Speaking of the feeds:

If you...
1) wanna watch tonight's Endurance Comp
2) wanna test out this Fall's BB season that starts on Sept 28th
3) and you're broke lol

...then boy oh boy do I have the deal for you!! What if I told you that you can watch both for free? And watch the feeds for a MONTH for free?! And if this Fall season of BB is great and you wanna watch the remaining half of it, it's only $6/month (it's only a 10 week season, you do the math. lol)

Sold?? Then click the pic below & enter code FALLACCESS. But hurry up, because this deal ends in just 2 days! Eek!! 

In all seriousness, this is the best deal I've ever seen for the feeds. They're practically giving them away at this point. lol So hurry up and go sign up!

**That's it for this post! I won't be home to blog about the live eviction but I will be back around 10:30pm ET to blog the live HOH Endurance Comp all night long. (When the season started, I scheduled my jujitsu classes around BB's schedule so that I'd be home for live evictions, but BB just changed up their schedule due to football, so I'm screwed this week and I'll be missing class next week for the Finale.) But there won't be any shockers...Corey is going. F3 will be James/Nicole/Paul. Now it's all up to them to battle it out for the title of final HOH! :D

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday: Feeds Update + Schedule (UPDATED)


Updated Tuesday @ 5:03am BBT:
It's rumored that Paul won HOH yesterday and Victor was evicted, though we won't have confirmation until the feeds come back on tonight.

Happy Monday, y'all! We are just a short 10 days away from this brutal BB season coming to an end. Seems like it'll never end, I swear. lol Anyway, let's get caught up on what's been going on.

Paul/Victor are on the block. Nicole won veto and did NOT use it yesterday. (The BB schedule is thrown off due to the new scheduling around NFL football.) Victor is going to jury today (yes, there's an eviction today) and that will leave James/Nicole/Corey VS Paul. Victor is aware he's leaving.

James is still hyper-focused on winning America's Favorite Player, as he has been all season long. It's weird because he's been more focused on that, then actually playing/winning the game. All the vets got a big bonus (I've heard different amounts, ranging from $25k-$50k) for returning this season, in addition to their weekly $1k stipend ($13k), plus Nicole/James promised to gift each other $10k if they win BB18, so I guess adding $25k (AFP) to all that would equal roughly around $75k'ish. Not bad for doing jack-shit all summer. Maybe he's onto something. *shrugs*

Speaking of gifting money, James/Nicole (again) confirmed to each other yesterday that they are still gifting each other money if they win this season, which is a huge no-no in BB. Feeds cut as soon as James mentioned this again yesterday.

At 2:48pm BBT yesterday, Nicole "joked" to Corey/James about already having a F2 deal with James, but then says she was referring to what the megaphone message said last week.
Corey: "Good for you guys."
Nicole: "Kiiidding. Definitely kidding." (*Yea right.)

Moving on...
Nicole/Corey/James are in a F3 (with Nicole/James in a pre-season final 2), so she's sitting pretty right now.

In other news (and I retweeted it on Friday), Nicole admitted on cam to Corey/James that BB helped her out in the veto comp last week by telling her that the key in the drain floats. She said she had no clue because she's never seen a boat key before. So that's awesome.

Now that NFL Football Season is here, the BB18 schedule is totally out whack, so here's the breakdown of everything...

BB18 Remaining Schedule:
*Monday Morning: 
BB is gonna tape the HG's (likely arts & crafts boring stuff as they do every year and then air it tonight on After Dark, since today is another eviction, which will air tomorrow night (Tues).

Last Veto Comp of BB18 will be played.
Tuesday Night is another BB18 episode.

Live eviction, Final HOH Comp (Part 1-Endurance) begins.

"Remember when.." episode.

*Weds Sept 21st:
Finale @ 9:30pm ET

(1 week off, then..)

*Wednesday Sept 28th:
BB: Over the Top begins!

**And that's it for this feeds update post! If you wanna watch the Part 1 HOH Endurance Comp and be ready for this Falls online-only BB season (starting on the 28th this month), then go snag up your live feeds! This season is pretty much dead at this point, but at least you're be able to watch the endurance comp and be ready for BB's next season in just a couple of weeks. lol :P

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Saturday: Noms and Veto

Happy Saturday, y'all! It's day 2,387 inside the BB18 house and this season is finally coming to a sh*tshow end shortly. lol Yesterday was the Nomination Ceremony, where HOH Nicole Corey turned on his Final 4 alliance and....

Nominated for Eviction:

Victor thought him/Paul would be safe, that Nicole/Corey would honor their F4 deal. Paul, however, had his doubts.

Victor is the target this week.

Victor said he'd never put them up, and how he could've last week. Paul said some people play the game "without giving a f*ck" and that Nicorey is doing this because they're scared.

Victor was pissed post-noms ceremony, but not yelling. Paul understands it's a game move. Victor said he expected James to put them on the block together, but not Nicorey. They agree to gun after them, whichever one stays. If neither win Veto, and James wins it, they wanna try to get James to use it so that Nicole has to go up (only option left).

At 7pm BBT, Victor/Paul are talking to Nicole/Corey. Corey said he had to put them up because he didn't wanna put Nicole in the position to get on the block. Victor tells him that he thought they had a true F4 and that if he stays, he's gunning after them now. (*I love Victor. lol) He said while he doesn't wanna friends in the game, he knows post-BB they'll all be okay.

After they left the room, Nicole said she feels guilty now about putting them up on the block and at least should've warned them first. She thinks Victor is gonna try to get James on his side.

In other news, Victor/Paul discussed Final 2 and who they'd vote for: both would probably vote for Corey to win over Nicole/James because he's not a returning vet. They're proud of how they've played the game, didn't lay low (or in bed all season like some other HG's..*cough* Nicole *cough*) and actaully played it.

The other day, Nicole/Corey were talking about putting Victor/Paul up on the block and Nicole acted like she wasn't sure. Corey questioned her, and she said she was just doing it for footage for BB for the show. So when you see that clip, that's why. She never 2nd guessed it, though.

So Nicole is confident that one of them (Paul/Vic) is leaving this week and whichever one stays, will be gunning after Corey..not her (since this is Corey's HOH). Mix that in with her alleged pre-BB18 Final 2 deal with James, and well..she's gotta be feeling pretty confident in sliding into the finals with ease.

Me though? I'm hoping for a Pandora's Box or something. lol

**Today is the Veto Ceremony and unless Paul or Victor win it, it's game over for Victor it seems. The HG's think today's veto comp will be the Comic Book Zipline comp since they saw the zipline out in the backyard. We shall see!! If Victor wins, Paul goes homes. If Paul wins, Victor goes homes. If James/Nicole/Corey wins, the noms will stay the same. Pretty cut & dry this week. I'll post the spoiler later on today.

Winner of the Veto is:

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts! Tonight is another live eviction, then we get to watch an HOH endurance comp on the live feeds afterwards. Natalie is still set to be evicted tonight, breaking up James & Natalie's showmance. She told him today that she just wants to be friends, so I guess that's that. *shrugs*

Live eviction starts at 9pm ET, so go grab your snackies and meet me back here then!

9:00pm ET:
Live Show begins.

9:22pm ET:
Jeff & Jordan are talking to Julie about Jordan being prego. She's due in 6 weeks. They're married, for those of you who missed that update. Jordan thinks Victor will win the game. Jeff thinks Paul.

Next up, jury house footage.

9:33pm ET:
Zakiyah is back with Paulie. Oh boy.
Meech hopes to see Nicole in the jury house next.

Live eviction coming up!

9:37pm ET:
Time for the votes.
She said James is her "soul mate" and "is stuck with her forever".
James said he's honored to have played the game with Natalie.

The Votes:
*Paul votes to evict...Natalie
*Nicole votes to evict...Natalie
*Corey votes to evict...Natalie

Evicted from the BB House is:

Due to football, BB18's schedule has changed for the rest of the season.
*Tues: 8pm ET Veto/Eviction/HOH
*Weds: 8pm Live Eviction

HOH Endurance Comp is over on the live feeds!! I'll post the spoiler here in this post.

Current look at the feeds as of 7:12pm BBT:
HOH Winner is:

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Weds: Feeds Update

Good afternoon and happy Wednesday to y'all! The feeds have still been painfully slow, until last night. We had a BB fan from Twitter yell over the backyard wall with a megaphone and then we had Natalie/James fighting.

First let's get to the megaphone thing. BBTooms's twitter was shut down by CBS for tweeting video clips of the feeds. So his solution to fire back? Let the HG's know that James/Nicole have a Final 2 deal that was planned before the season even began.

I'll let him clarify exactly what he said:
Well played, sir. Well played. lol

This happened at 12:19am BBT this morning, if you wanna watch on the live feeds.

Natalie was mad at James after hearing the megaphone message.

As we know, Nicole told Corey the other day that she wants her/him/James to be Final 3. It's been pretty obvious all season long that they've had a F2 pre-season alliance and Nicole flipping to want James in her F3 just further fuels that.

Moving on...

Around 4:30pm BBT yesterday, Natalie/James started fighting. Natalie is pissed that she campaigned for James to stay, he didn't campaign for her in return, and now that she knows she's leaving, she regrets it. They go back and forth. James told Nat that he'll move to New York where she lives post-BB18. Natalie deflects and says she wants to be with her family post-season.

In other news, Nicole wants her/Corey/James (her ideal Final 3) to gun after Victor/Paul next. Nicole hopes that James won't work with Victor/Paul and will work them 2 (Nicorey) instead.

Natalie ended up questioning James about the Final 2 deal with Nicole (per megaphone in the backyard), in which he denies it. Anyway, Natalie said she just wants to be friends with James. James asked why she didn't just tell him that from the start. She said it wasn't her intention to just be friends. At 4:15am BBT, James asked Natalie if they're officially done now, in which Natalie said she's not sure.

**That's it for the Weds update! Natalie is still for sure heading to jury tomorrow night, as Nat/James are falling apart at the seams and Natalie just wants to quit the game at this point. She asked the D.R. if she could quit, but they told her to sleep on it. Tomorrow is the live eviction where it'll be a new week with a new HOH.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Tuesday: Weekend Update

Happy Tuesday, BB addicts!! I hope y'all had an awesome Labor Day weekend! :D As I posted the other day, the Overnighters for this season are officially done. However, I will still be doing daily updates until this season is done (in addition to still covering live comps, live eviction shows, and all other spoilers like the veto ceremony, etc.) This season is so painfully slow, that I haven't been updating much at all, simply because there's nothing to write about. I think Evel Dick summed up this season and cast pretty well last week...

 ...yea. Kinda hard to blog about. lol

Anyway, moving on...

On Saturday night, the final 4 Vic/Paul/Nicole/Corey had a talk about who to send home this week. Victor wants James out (revenge for James evicting him) and Natalie wouldn't be scary without James by her side anyway. (Nat told James that if she stayed, she'd try to link up with Victor and work with him.) Meanwhile, the other 3 (Nic/Cor/Paul) think it's best if Natalie goes this week, simply because she's better at comps than James, plus the fact that James has seem to have given up the fight in the game.

Victor finally agrees with the rest of the 3 and says Nat can go this week, but his biggest fear is that he (Vic) will be sent out the door by the hands of James..again. (*That'd be a hard pill to swallow for sure.)

Nicole is the one who really wants Natalie out. For some reason, she basically hates all the other female HG's and has been talking crap about all of them this whole season. I don't get it. *shrugs*

Nicole: "I wanna be evicted by a guy, not a girl." (*wtf?!)

It's either that she truly doesn't like other women, or she's still protecting her alleged pre-BB18 final 2 deal with James. Maybe both. Who knows. Either way, Nicole's gonna get what she wants this week: Natalie up & out.

Speaking of pre-BB18 final 2 deal between Nicole/James, last night (11:25pm BBT), Nicole told Corey that she wants a Final 3 with them two and James.

So there's that.

As far as Natalie/James goes, they've been fighting off and on all day yesterday. Natalie said that she made a bad move by turning on Victor. James doesn't think so and blames it on the whole jury member battle back thing because otherwise, Victor would still be gone and Paul would've been alone as they (Nat/James) still worked with Nicorey like they had planned on. James is starting to worry that Natalie has been playing him all season long and told Victor his concerns yesterday. Victor agreed with James' concerns on Nat/their showmance being genuine.

James (to himself): "Aw man. Why did I get into a showmance, James."

In other news, Paul told Nicole how James said she's been telling James that Paul was gunning for him. Nicole denies it. Nicole then went to Corey and told him what Paul just said and how she denied it. Then they planned to push for Natalie to go this week but "not too hard" to oversell it to the others. (*Technically, Nicole/Corey have the votes this week, since they are the 2 of 3 votes but Nicole wants everyone in her Final 4 to be on-board so there's no bad blood or anything.)

Best line of the weekend:
Came from Corey when he said he'd tell BB producers that he needs a break in between BB seasons if they asked him to come sides hurt from laughing. lol

In funny news, BB delivered Have Not's food for the week...when there are no Have Not's this week. lol Whoops.

And last, but not not least..Nicole shaved Corey's chest last night.  (7:06pm BBT)
 **And that's it for the weekend update! I'll be starting on Daily Updates starting tomorrow. If any drama unfolds or anything major happens, I'll gladly cover that right away as well. Natalie will be going out the BB door this week and adding to the group of girls (and Paulie) in the jury house. I expect to see more Natalie/James back and forth tension-filled talks and whatnot until Thursday.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Veto Comp Results

Happy Saturday to y'all!! Since we're less than a few weeks away from the BB18 finale and we're down to the Final 6 (3 pairs, with 2 of them being in a solid Final 4, at least this week anyway), there's not much to blog about. There has been much to blog about for about a month now, but I've been trying to get any info I could to make the Overnighters happen. lol At this point, there's nothing to really blog except the main things: Noms, Veto Comp, and Veto any fights or changes in the current plans along the way. So with that, I am retiring the Overnighters until this Fall's BB online season begins. RIP BB18 Overnighters!

Today is the Veto Comp and in short, if James doesn't win it, he's toast. (Though Natalie has said a few times that if she wins it, she's saving him from the block and gonna fall on her sword for him.) I will update this post after the Veto Comp is over and there is a winner.

Winner of the Veto is:

**I'm not tied to my computer today, so it might be a couple hours before I update post-veto comp.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Nominations Spoiler

The feeds came back at 5:55pm BBT, right after the Nomination Ceremony was over. Everything happened as planned...

Nominated for Eviction:

James is this weeks target. Depending on who wins veto tomorrow, either James or Nat will go home this week for sure. I'll be back in the morning with The Overnighter!

Friday: The Overnighter

Happy TGI-Friday, y'all!! Okay, so last night we saw Victor won HOH, which means that Natalie/James are in trouble this week for sure.

When the feeds came back on, the Final 4 of Victor/Paul/Nicole/Corey were doing hugs and cheers in the Have Not's room..knowing that they made it to Final 5. (Nat or James will be leaving this week, as we all know.) Natalie/James are aware too, after the live eviction and they saw that Nicole had turned on them. Natalie told James that if she wins veto and they're both up on the block, that she'd use the veto on him. He said not to do that. Nat said she wants him to win the game.

Nicole was stressing over the fact that Michelle said she (N) was "f**king her way" to the end this season. (It was bleeped from the live show).

There are no Have Nots this week: Victor is HOH, Natalie is a Never-Not, and James/Paul/Corey/Nicole got an egg in their "Haves" boxes.

Paul wants Natalie gone before James, but Victor said to stick with the plan of targeting James. They mentioned that without James, Natalie will crumble anyway.

James (to Nat): "It's time to start playing Big Brother." (*...on Day 80. lol)

At around 1am BBT this morning, James told Victor that Nicole/Corey were Final 4 with him/Nat. Victor said that J/N used them to do their dirty work. James tried to get Natalie to not go up on the block by saying that she actually wanted Victor to stay but the votes weren't there. (*..and if Nat isn't nom'ed and wins veto, she can save James and then both are safe. See how that works?) Victor wasn't falling for it though. He said she's going up with him.

**So that's that. Noms are today and we can expect Nat/James up on the block. James is the target and will go, as long as he doesn't win the veto. As of 3:11pm BBT, Nominations Ceremony has still not happened.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Big Brother: Over The Top (Fall Season)

It was officially announced via CBS today that this Fall's Season of Big Brother will be called "BB: Over The Top" (#BBOTT)

Here are the details:

*$250,000 prize (half of the normal prize)
*starts Wednesday, Sept. 28 at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT (1 week after BB18)
*10 week season (shorter than normal)
*weekly online live evictions
*24/7 live feeds
*viewers will be able to influence the game
*different casting director than previous BB seasons (Yayy!)

BB18 ends on Sept 21st, so we have just a short 1 week in between seasons. BBOTT will be available only online, so you will need the live feeds ($6/month). You can signup anytime from this point on and you'll be set up for this Fall plus watch the rest of BB18 in the meantime. (Nothing to download, super easy to use!)

Please use the links on the blog to sign up for the live feeds, as this blog is 100% fan-supported and I can't be here without y'alls support! :D

Sooooo excited for this Fall Season of Big Brother: Over the Top!

Thursday Night Live Eviction

Good evening, BB addicts!! Tonight is the Live Eviction and HOH Comp. Big Meech is still set to go out the BB door. We *should* have a blindside to James/Nat as they think Paul is going to jury tonight..unless Nicole tells them right before the live show and then we're left with yet another blindside flop. We shall see!

After the eviction, the HG's will battle it out for this weeks HOH title. Though the HG's think it's a double eviction tonight, it most definitely is not.

In other news...
This Fall's Big Brother (Online Only) Season has an official name now: "Big Brother: Over The Top" (#BBOTT is the hashtag over on Twitter) I'll cover all the details and such in a new post tonight post-live show. Y'all are gonna love the details, so stay tuned for that!! :D It will begin just 1 week post-BB18, which means mama gets to have a week of sleep before it all starts again. Oh boy. lol

Tonight's live show starts at 9pm ET as usual, so grab your snackies and meet me back here then!!

9:00pm ET:
Show begins...

9:18pm ET:
After the commercial, the HG's will be able to see their family for the 1st time since the season started.

9:37pm ET:
Paul kissed Big Meech. She said he was better than Paulie.
Meech basically blew up Paul/Victor by saying that they're gonna make it far if they keep them around. (*What happened to blowing up Nicoles game? lol)

Time for the Votes:
Victor votes to evict...MICHELLE
Natalie votes to evict..PAUL
Corey votes to evict...MICHELLE
James votes to evict...PAUL

Nicole is the tie breaker and she votes to evict... MICHELLE

Evicted from the BB House is:

Michelle blew up Nicole's game on her way out! She told everyone to get Nicole out next. Nicole is in the house yelling at James that she had to get rid of Michelle "because of that" (Meech blowing her game up and gunning after her). Michelle also took Paul's floatie (aka Pablo) out the BB door and threw it on the stage.

9:46pm ET:
HOH Comp coming up next!

9:49pm ET:
The HOH Comp is the chicken-wire comp. It's a longer comp and it'll be on the feeds after the show ends. Get the live feeds to watch! (You'll also be ready for this Fall's Big Brother season starting on Sept 28th, might as well get'em now.)

**Please sign up for the feeds on the blog to support it!! I can't be here without y'alls support! xoxo

I will update this post when the HOH Comp is over! Should be a couple of hours.

Winner of the HOH Comp is:
Bye bye Nat or James!

Thursday: The Overnighter

Good morning and Happy Live Eviction Day to y'all!! As I posted on Twitter and Facebook yesterday, I didn't do a blog post because there simply wasn't anything to blog about.

Paul/Victor are the most active in the house, but Nat/Jams/Meech/Nicole/Corey seem to be bed-bound this season or suntanning in the backyard. I simply can't blog about that. lol

But alas, some things actually did happen last night to talk about! w00t! It's not much but hey, I'll take it. lol

James is still totally clueless that Michelle is leaving this week. Speaking of James, he wants to leave Paul a mean goodbye message (that he won't see anyway since Meech is going), but Nat told him not to because he'll be a jury member. Kinda sad that a newbie is giving a "vet" this advice.

James is positive that Meech is staying so, against Nat's advice, he's not gonna go talk to Nicole (he hasn't all week because he's so sure of how safe Michelle is this week). Natalie also suggested that Michelle go talk to Nicole to make sure she's safe this week but Michelle said she "has too much pride". *head desk*

Corey gave Victor the $5,000 bribe money to vote Michelle out..which he was of course gonna do anyway..but it's more of a sign of loyalty that they want to be Final 4 (Nicole/Corey/Paul/Victor). Paul thought it was really nice of Corey, as Victor was brought to tears and was so grateful and thankful for the $5k.

In fun news, Big Meech said if she's evicted tonight (and she will be), that she's gonna blow up Nicole's game on the way out.  Sooo...that'll be fun to watch. lol ;)

**And that's it for The Overnighter! I'm soooooooooo glad Nicole's sleepfest HOH reign is gonna over in just mere hours from now. I'm pulling for a Victor or Paul win to shake things up a bit. Tonight's Live Eviction Show is at 9pm ET and I'll be here live-blogging it for y'all. See y'all then!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Good afternoon, y'all!! Much like the season, nothing major happened again last night and I don't see anything happening until Thursday. This seasons cast seems to be a on "only play BB on Thursday's/Saturday's/Monday's schedule and the rest of the down time is Summer Camp'ish. I'm sooooo looking forward to this Fall's BB!! I'm really hoping it's back to the game we all know and love, and that I love to blog about it.

Okay, so yesterday, Corey/James talked..James said he'd take the $5k to drop out of the next HOH comp (as Corey/Nicole talked about doing with the bribe money). Corey then went and told Nicole what James said, but then Nicole said she'd rather have Natalie drop because she doesn't think James would put them two up if he won HOH anyway. They think they're safe on all sides (James/Nat and Paul/Vic).

Michelle thinks she's going home Thursday (and she's right), though James told her he's positive that shes not. James/Nat are still totally clueless to what's going on this week with Michelle going out the door. Wait until Nicole is the tie-breaker on Thursday and sends Michelle out, though. Heh.

In other news...
Corey dropped the bomb on Victor last night about how he doesn't wanna be in a relationship once he leaves the BB house because him/Nicole both just got out of one. Speaking of Nicorey,  they had a on/off again "Are you mad at me??" relationship bullsh*t all night long.

I refuse to cover that. lol :P

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today, Nicole will get the HOH camera and do her blog, as I'm sure there'll be lots of napping, swimming and sunbathing all around.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Veto Ceremony Results

At 10:49am BBT this morning, the feeds switched off for the Veto Cermeony.

Nicole did NOT use the Veto.
Meech/Paul remain on the block.

This is part of the plan to get up Meech up & out this week and all is going according to plan. Nothing has really happened so far today to report, sadly. Nicole had rust stains on her bikini bottoms from hooks in the bathroom where she hangs them up, so she cleaned it and restored it back to normal.

Other than that, lots of swimming and suntanning and Paul made friendship muffins..banana chocolate muffins to be exact. Summer Camp has resumed.

2:27pm BBT:
A current look at the feeds.
Nicorey doing what they do best, as the others are suntanning/lounging in the backyard.

Monday: The Overnighter

Gooooood morning, BB addicts & Happy Monday to y'all!! :D I'm back and refreshed, ready to watch this season come to an end in just mere weeks. Thanks for being patient while I took yesterday off, much needed!!

Okay, so to recap:
*Nicole won veto & does not plan to use it today
*Michelle is still the target
*Corey wants to give the $5k bribe to Victor (details below)

Yesterday was a quiet day in the BB house, until 2:41pm BBT.

A drone flew over the BB backyard and had a blowup doll attached to it, along with a message. The feeds cut for nearly an hour and when they came back on, they were all talking about it. They didn't get to read the message and speculated what it could've said, which is anybody's guess really. Natalie thinks it was mocking her, as Nicole thinks Michelle will use the doll/message against her somehow, and Michelle thinks the same thing about Nicole. Paranoia at it's finest. lol

At 5:09pm BBT, Michelle is crying again and having a total meltdown.

Michelle: "I wasn't ready to come here!"
Natalie tried her best to comfort her, telling her that if she didn't have James, she wouldn't have been able to survive in the house. She has James as someone to vent to and get support from...but Meech didn't.

Michelle: "I hate my body, I hate my face, I hate everything about myself!"

Moving on...

Nicole is worried about Victor might go against their plan and vote out Paul (because they're still acting like they don't like each other). Corey thinks he should offer his $5k bribe to Victor to stick with the plan of getting Michelle out. (*though Vic is definitely voting Michelle out anyway lol) In addition, they think the bribe would help keep Corey safe is Vic wins HOH next week. Plus it has the added bonus of solidifying trust between them 4.

Meanwhile, James wants Corey to use the bribe on Victor to throw the next HOH. Funny stuff.

**And that's it for The Overnighter! Today is the Veto Ceremony where Veto Winner, Nicole, is expected to keep her noms the same so that she doesn't have to show her cards (so to speak) in the game by having to renom Nat or James and making even more waves. I'll be back later with the official veto ceremony results.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Veto Players Picked (UPDATED)

Updated: **NICOLE WON VETO**

Good morning/afternoon, BB peeps! No Overnighter today since there wasn't much that happened overnight. We're getting to the point in the season where not much happens, mix that with a cast that hasn't done much all season and well..there's just not much to blog about some days. lol

The Have Nots for the week are:

They were the first 2 to drop from the HOH wall comp on Thursday night, so they're the Have Nots this week.

The plan this week (as of now) is to target Michelle. Meanwhile, James/Nat think that Paul is this weeks target. (Nicole/Corey/Paul/Victor are all working together as we all know.) Nicole is hoping that Victor wins Veto today and pulls Paul off the block, which would mean that she has to renom either Natalie or James by default. Corey wants Natalie to be the renom if that's the case.

Veto Players were already picked this morning.

Playing for Veto today are:
Natalie is hosting. 

The Veto Comp will take place sometime this afternoon. I won't be able to update the blog until very late this evening as I'm taking the weekend off to decompress and enjoy one of the last few weekends of the summer. If you can't wait until then, you have a couple of options: you can go snag up your 1 free week of the live feeds and find out as soon as the feeds come back on or you can join the blog's Facebook group for the latest spoilers. See y'all tonight! Enjoy your Saturday!! :D

Friday, August 26, 2016

Nominations and ACP

Good evening, ladies & gents! Earlier in the day, America's Care Package was delivered and the winner was...

America's Care Package Winner:

..wait, what?!! Who the f**k is voting for Corey?! No, seriously!! lol He's like wallpaper in that house! Twitter peeps (including myself) are truly dumbfounded by this. Former BB houseguest Jun tweeted that basically the "result" is bullcrap. I agree.

Anyway, HOH Nicole made her nominations. They weren't her original plans but her target is still the same..

Nominated for Eviction:

Meech is the target still and she hopes that Victor wins veto and pulls Paul down so that she can put up "either James or Natalie" but she's leaning towards Natalie. (*Shocker. lol)

Saturday is the Veto Comp. I'll be back to do the Overnighter tomorrow!

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday!! w00t w00t for the weekend!! :D Speaking of the weekend, after the Veto Comp tomorrow afternoon, I'm gonna take the weekend off until Monday morning's Overnighter, as I need a break to refresh my mind and go enjoy one of the last few weekends of this summer. So there will be no Overnighter on Sunday morning as usual. With BB coming up in the Fall (just mere days after this season ends), I need to pace myself and keep my sanity. lol :P

Okay, so moving on to The Overnighter...

I thought for sure I'd wake up and ho-hum my way to my laptop, thinking this week was already done...'Nicole as HOH, Paul/Vic as noms, one will go.'

Or so I thought.

One thing that is for sure, is that Paul is safe this week no matter what because Nicole said she's not putting him up since Paul was the one encouraging her during last nights wall comp. Speaking of the wall comp, Nicole promised James safety this week (he dropped for her), which she now regrets but she knows she can make & break's Big Brother, after all. If you're wondering where James' head is at, well..he regrets dropping from the comp last night as he doesn't trust Nicole to keep him & Natalie safe this week.  (Michelle was pissed at James last night for not including her in the safety talks but James said he can only make so many deals.)

Victor/Paul will continue to put on the facade of being at war with each other to keep fooling Natalie/James/Meech (this happened yesterday before the feeds cut off, as a last attempt to save Victor. It was all an act.) Last night, Meech caught Paul/Victor studying together and reported it back to James. He said he knew P/V would end up working together again.

Nicole actually surprised me with a conversation at 3:20am BBT this morning with Corey.

She wants her/Corey/Paul/Victor all to work together. The reason? Because they're a strong duo and as Corey said "Why not work with them" because of that. Knowing that the Care Package will be delivered today and that only Paul/Victor/Corey can win (since they're the only ones who haven't yet won it), Nicole wants to wait and see what happens there before making her final decision on noms but it looks like it'll be Michelle VS James on the block this week, with Michelle as the target.

Nicole: "I don't wanna put Natalie up. I wanna put Michelle and James up."
Corey: "Yea, that's fine."
Nicole: "And I wanna tell them that I'm putting one of them up because it's the only way to get my target to go home because if I put up Paul or Victor, (Nat/James) are gonna vote them out and I need one of (them) to be a pawn.."

In surprising news, Nicole said that she'd be okay with James leaving this week if Michelle happens to win veto. Victor/Paul got in Nicole's ear last night and told her that they want revenge for James targeting Victor last week and that James/Nat were considering putting them (Nicorey) up last week.

If you're wondering where Paul's heads at, he cam-talked to us live feedsters this morning and said he truly wants to work with Nicole/Corey (and his boy Victor, of course) and he will be loyal to them.
Paul said that James/Natalie/Meech are "shi**ing themselves" now that Victor is back in the house because they blamed Victor leaving on Nicole/Corey and now Vic is back. Paul assures us that him/Victor are truly with Nicole/Corey now and he hopes Nicorey isn't gonna screw them over because everything P/V trust people, they "get boned" in the process. He asks us BB fans to give him or Vic the care package to help them out this week. He said Corey is safe no matter what this week, so him/Vic need it this week.

**And that's it for The Overnighter!! Today we will see either Paul, Victor or Corey get the care package and then Nicole will make her nominations later on today. I'll be back with the Noms Ceremony results this afternoon. Until then, enjoy the live feeds!!

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